January Ring Report

RING 19, MINNEAPOLIS, MN – The Carl W Jones Ring
Meets 2nd Monday at 7pm via Zoom Meeting
and in person 2nd Saturdays (location GameZenter, Roseville, MN)
Andrew Selbitschka, President

Our January meeting drew eighteen intrepid souls (we are Minnesotans, after all) in from the snow and cold to gather to view some wonderful magic.

Dan Norat started out the magic performances with a card trick. Assisted by Magic Brad Gudim and Paul Laidig, Dan performed Asi Wind’s “Double Exposure”.

Parker William, with the aid of volunteer Kyle Frisk, offered up his original trick “My Least Favorite Vermin” using the PATEO force. Parker then went on the provide a tutorial on the PATEO force and how to incorporate this brilliant force in to our magic.

Rick Hinrichs has been working on silk vanishes. He wowed us with his silk, purse and purse frame routine. We discussed the use of the purse as wand cover.

Blake Scholl, along with Parker William and Dan Norat, performed a card trick whereby a thought-of and a selected card were revealed in the card box. Not to be outdone, younger
brother Bennett Scholl performed paper origami magic.

Bob MIller, assisted by Sleven Olson, performed Simon Aronson’s “The Invisible Card”.

Paul Laidig performed a quick trick with AnnMarie Thomas, in which he made small balls change color in her hand.

Tyler Erickson offered the Teach A Trick section of the meeting by discussing the Gambler’s False Cut and the 10 – 20 Force. He then presented an original trick that he calls “Lying in White”, the
name alluding to the trick and its surprising finish.

Jean Robert LeMarchand auditioned for the Ring by performing a card/mentalism trick that he calls “The Envelopes of Mystery”. Jean Robert was enthusiastically welcomed to the Ring for

Our Monday Zoom meeting was attended by a small but dedicated group. Although we were attending for the magic, we were also distracted by the Wild Card matchup between the
Minnesota Vikings and the LA Rams. We did our best to focus on both the football game and the magic.
Rick Hinrichs performed what he called a Quick Mathematical Card Trick.

Dan Norat has been doing a lot of reading and was impressed with Smoke and MIrrors by Jon Armstrong and MIke Costa. Dan is also reading The MIllionaire’s Magician by Steve Cohen in
preparation for his upcoming birthday trip to New York City.

Rick HInrich performed some rubberband magic and Jennifer Graham, with the assistance of MIchael Barnard, offered up The Long Distance card trick, a perfect effect for Zoom or over the

We briefly discussed the snap change, but then spent the remainder of the virtual meeting watching the MInnesota Vikings being soundly defeated from another chance to go to the Super
Bowl. Enough said…

Jennifer Graham

Remember The Room : New Book From Bob Miller

IBM Ring 19 member has released a new book on his memory system based on his years of experience as a performer and in marketing.

​Do you immediately forget someone’s name as soon as you meet them?
​Would you like to be able to remember everyone you meet at an event?​
Bob Miller learned this skill during his 20 years as a professional magician. You can see a video of Bob recalling the names of 80 people he’d just met at a magic show.

The paperback version of his book for sale on Amazon: 

Or buy it in PDF directly from Bob at:

Thank you for an amazing show

Wow, what a weekend!
There will be a detailed recap of the show in the next month’s Ring Report, but for now I just want to quickly say thank you to everyone who contributed to the show.

First I want to thank our host, Felicity, for letting us use her amazing home. It is hard to describe her Living Room / Basketball Court / Theater / Loft, but it was cozy and welcoming.

Thank to Roger Wells for his footwork booking the space and talent. You did 99% of the running and we just had to push it past the goal post. We literally could not have completed this without his initiative and planning.

Thank you to Roman and Mike Davis for performing close-up for nearly a hour each. We got hit by a mass of people earlier than we thought, and you immediately jumped into action.

Thank you Parker William and Tim Gabrielson for two amazing shows! The audience was amazed and absolutely popped! Just an amazing show to have in such an intimate space.

Thank you to Andrew Selbitschka for MCing. Thank you for Jody LeBlanc and Michael Barnard for greeting and manning the itty-bitty, box office table. Thank you to “Fast” Eddie Olson and Chris Leuck for helping with set up and tear down.

Thank you to Yer at the Honeysuckle Baking Company for catering those delicious cookies. At least 3 people said, “this is the best cookie I have eaten in my life.” Thanks for the revelations.

Lastly, “Thank You!” to everyone in the audience for coming! Magic is a performance art and you were engaged and ready to be amazed. You also left the space tidy, which is conscientious of you.

I am sure I have missed some people, but this is a good start.
This was a lot of fun. Let’s do it again sometime.

-Dan Norat

Big Week of Events – Sept 9th through 15th

We are excited to announce an reminder to a big week of events :

  • Monday, September 9th @ 7 PM : The IBM Ring 19 Zoom call will be happening here! Come join us from the comfort of your own home, and share what you have been working on.
  • Saturday, September 14th @ 11 AM : The IBM Ring 19 live meeting will be happening at Gamezenter (1975 County Road B2 W, Roseville, MN). This meeting is open to the public and a great place to jam.
  • Saturday, September 14th @ 6 PM : IBM RIng 19’s fundraising show, Illusion & Mystery on the 3rd Floor is happening at 2720 W 43rd St in Minneapolis. For just $20 in advanced or $25, see close-up and parlor magic from Roman, Mike Davis, Parker William and Tim Gabrielson! Tickets and info here!
  • Sunday, September 15th @ 10 AM : After a long week of magic come relax at the IBM Ring 19 Annual Picnic at the Central Park, Lions Shelter (2527 Victoria St N, Roseville). Bring a snack and hang with us at the park.

There are also many other unaffiliated events like Magic Undergrounds Open Mic, Twin Cities Magic 2nd Saturday Sale, and Smokus Pokus at the Southern Theater.
Keep up to these and more upcoming events on the IBM Ring 19 event calendar.

Marc DeSouza lecture about Fred Kaps 8/23/2021 7PM CST

IBM Ring 19 presents a special lecture on Monday, August 23rd at 7:00 p.m. The great Marc DeSouza will present a lecture about the legendary Fred Kaps. Please come and join us for what promises to be an entertaining and informative lecture. Don’t miss this one

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 826 7137 3534
Passcode: 575386

Al Schneider Lecture Aug. 28, 2021

Al Scheider

Al will be back at the Hopkins Center for the Arts.  It has been far too long since any of us have seen Al lecture.  He has been working on new material for this lecture.  Beyond that, I have missed our magic theory conversations and his advice on controlling the magic moment.  

I am super excited to make this announcement.  I have spoken with Al numerous times over the last couple of months and am thrilled to finally have a date scheduled.

This is going out to IBM Ring 19 first.  We will share with the local SAM as well.  If you know of other local magic enthusiasts, please bring them as a guest.  This event is sponsored by our club, but I think we should welcome Al back to Minnesota by filling up the room.

March 8, 2021 — International Brotherhood of Magicians Zoom Meeting at 7 PM

The theme is quick tricks.  What is your favorite trick to catch someone’s attention? 

If you don’t want to share a trick, share a book or video review.

Also, we have another special guest mini-lecturer

Join us to see what Pizpor has to say.  The Pizpor show has been one of my favorites at the Renaissance Fair.  

Hope to see you!


Magic cartoons by Mike Wilke

Mike Wilke magic cartoonsIn addition to being a long-time magician, Mike Wilke is an active cartoonist. His magic cartoons can be seen in The Linking Ring, the official magazine of the International Brotherhood of Magicians. We’re grateful for the opportunity to share some of his magic cartoons here, from his book Watermelon Bones: The Final Load. Copies of the book are available for $15. To get your copy, contact Mike through Facebook or send email to magicbymike@msn.com.

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Noah Sonie sweeps 2016 presidents’ challenge

Noah Sonie took first place honors in both close-up and parlor magic categories at the Ring 19 2016 contest. Other magicians honored included Dennis Anfang, Dan Koopmans, Tom Crone and David Gamut.

Each December the IBM Ring 19 magic club holds its annual “Presidents’ Challenge” Magic competition. The Ring 19 2016 contest was divided into two categories: Close-Up and Stage/Parlor. Noah Sonie swept the competition, taking first place in each of the categories. Prizes were awarded at the April 9 banquet. Continue reading “Noah Sonie sweeps 2016 presidents’ challenge”