Ring 19 election news

The Ring19 election was held Dec. 11, 2017. Michael Callahan was elected vice president, and will automatically become president next year. Noah Sonie advanced to president, while Tom Crone moved to the position of immediate past president.

Ring 19 electionThe Ring 19 election for officers happened  at the magic club’s Dec. 11 meeting. Voting members unanimously endorsed the nominating committee’s slate of candidates. The results of the Ring 19 election are:

  • Noah Sonie automatically advanced from vice president to a one-year term as president. 
  • Members chose Michael Callahan as vice president. He will serve one year in that capacity before advancing to president.
  • Members selected Dan Koopmans for a two-year term as secretary.
  • Current treasurer Doug Trouten accepted an additional one-year term as treasurer.
  • Tom Crone ended his term as president, passing the gavel to Noah Sonie. Tom Crone will continue on the board for one year as immediate-past president.

The membership also approved a revised Constitution and Bylaws for the organization.

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