Ring 19 magic club remembers ‘Something I learned from Daryl’

IBM Ring 19 honored recently departed magical great Daryl at our April 10, 2017 meeting. Our theme was “Something I learned from Daryl.” Members were invited to come prepared to show something from your repertoire that they owe to this gifted instructor.

The International Brotherhood of Magicians Ring 19 magic club honored recently departed magical great Daryl Easton at our Monday, April 10 meeting.DarylEaston marketed himself as “The Magician’s Magician” and actually lived up to his marketing. Magicians knew him as an outstanding magic teacher. At the March meeting of Ring 19 we asked how many magicians in the room had learned something from this generous teacher, and nearly every hand in the room went up. For the April 10 meeting our theme was “Something I learned from Daryl.” Members were invited to come prepared to show something from their repertoire that they owed to this gifted instructor.


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